
Direct Placement

People are not your most important asset. The right people are.

We help enterprises in getting to where they need to go with the right talent.

Our expert evaluation service, we examine every aspect of your IT infrastructure, including the network, servers, databases, etc. By carefully outsourcing their IT operations, organizations may increase efficiency, productivity, and revenue with the expertise of our remotely managed IT services.




Oftentimes, conducting the hiring process in-house can cost your organization time and money. Partnering with StarkSolutionllc to fulfill your direct placement staffing needs allows you to save your resources and find the perfect fit for the role. StarkSolutionllc has expert recruiters who conduct the recruitment process while providing valuable insight, advice, and recommendations.

Working with the right staffing agency for your direct placement needs can be crucial to your recruitment success.

Our approach

Insight. Creativity. Process.

Starksolutionllc is dedicated to providing great service that goes above and beyond what both our clients and potential candidates anticipate.

Time Saving

It might take a lot of time and effort to post jobs, screen applicants, do background checks, schedule interviews, administer tests, and evaluate all pertinent data. All of those standards can be waived when using direct placement services, and you'll hire people who have through even more thorough interviews than you would have had the time or resources for. The best candidates for your particular sector and criteria will be found if you entrust the duties of the direct hiring job to an expert agency.

Boost Business Focus

The time you will save on the human resources components will allow you to put more of emphasis on your company's objectives. The company will expand exponentially in a shorter period of time if the same amount of time, effort, and money are invested in research and development, customer service and engagement, and marketing and advertising activities.

Hire Top Candidates

With challenging financial realities in the past and perhaps in the future, the employment market is more than oversaturated with candidates with a wide range of backgrounds and special knowledge. Many others may not meet the standards you have for an IT employee in your company, even if some may be top students in their class. Business owners can benefit from the broad applicant networks, internal and external databases, and other direct placement services capabilities by using recruitment services like all those provided by StarkSolutionsllc.

Our Works

StarkSolutionsllc has been offering Direct Placement Staffing services for over 5 years and will always put your needs first. We take the time to get to know you, your company, your culture, and your goals to help you find the perfect fit for your team without any up-front costs or fees.
"Staffing agencies play a crucial role in the hiring process for companies of all sizes and needs to help them excel in their long-term goals along with there day to day productivity."
Matthew Johnson